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Between performance and balance. Or: "5 minutes more for the first coffee of the day".

Part 1

If there is a technical challenge in the TAG Heuer Porsche Formula E team, then Malte Huneke is the man to talk to. Why? Because Malte Huneke is the team's Technical Director. At the season's grand finale in Berlin, he was again responsible for ensuring that everything ran smoothly from a technical perspective. In an interview, he revealed how he had prepared himself for the demanding days in the German capital, what the biggest challenges were and how the team will now progress into the future.

But I think we succeeded, especially considering the race performance

Now that the double-headers in Berlin have come and gone – how do you feel?

Malte Huneke: Really great! It was a long dry spell for all of us. As I said, the essential thing we were missing was being able to compare ourselves to the competition. So it was great to have the chance to go back to the track and have that comparison – and of course the learning curve. So, it was good to be back.

How was it for you to finally be back at the race track?

Malte Huneke: Really great! It was a long dry spell for all of us. As I said, the essential thing we were missing was being able to compare ourselves to the competition. So it was great to have the chance to go back to the track and have that comparison – and of course the learning curve. So, it was good to be back.

Did you have some time to recover between races? What did you do to relax?

Malte Huneke: (laughs) The days – including the days between the races – are of course packed full of analysis and preparation work. I tried to be on time for breakfast even on the race-free days and to have an extra five minutes more for the first coffee of the day. And that was really nice: five minutes of silence, reviewing the events and then starting the day fresh.That was really all there was time for in terms of relaxation.

How was the atmosphere in the team?

Malte Huneke: The atmosphere was pretty good! The whole team was of course relieved to be able to join in and start looking ahead. Decent results and further development contributed to the good mood. Everyone was extremely focused and in good spirits despite the heavy workload on site and the long days. It was really a nice team atmosphere. It almost felt like a school trip (laughs).

Things are always very close. Just one little mistake and you're 10 places behind

That sounds really good. How happy is the team with Berlin?

Malte Huneke: We are very happy – especially with the race performance. Now we are looking to improve the consistency of performance in the qualifying stages. At the moment, it's still a bit up and down. Of course, we all know that it sometimes depends on the group. Things are always very close. Just one little mistake and you're 10 places behind. Nevertheless, our goal is to achieve times that put us consistently at the top of the pack.In Berlin, we felt that we had taken a step forward and were able to look ahead in the races. The next step, which is now coming back into focus, is the qualifying.

The second part of the long interview will be published on Thursday, 10.09.2020.
