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Porsche and Pascal: When childhood dreams come true.

This coming season, Pascal Wehrlein will be supporting the TAG Heuer Porsche Formula E Team. There’s hardly a more suitable duo in fully electric motorsport. In the interview, he speaks of his Swabian home, fashion and of course, Porsche.

First off: Welcome to Stuttgart. How does it feel to be back home?

Pascal Wehrlein: It feels good to be here again. It’s just a 2-hour drive from my place to Weissach or Stuttgart. Usually, you need to take a flight, grab a rental car and stay overnight in a hotel. Now, I can arrive in the morning and head back home in the evening. That’s a great advantage.

I’m driven by success and strive for victory – and we want to achieve all that together.

Pascal Wehrlein

What are you anticipating most about being with the TAG Heuer Porsche Formula E Team?

Pascal Wehrlein: Being successful. I’m driven by success and strive for victory – and we want to achieve all that together. The TAG Heuer Porsche Formula E Team and I are currently at the beginning of a new relationship. And that’s very exciting for me. Everything is new.

How excited are you about the Porsche 99X Electric and what do you expect from it?

Pascal Wehrlein: I’m excited about getting to drive the Porsche 99X Electric soon. I’ve already experienced it in the Formula E. So, I’m very thrilled to find out what it feels like.

The future goal is to win the championship.

Pascal Wehrlein

What does your preparation for the upcoming season look like and: What are your goals for season 7?

Pascal Wehrlein: That’s always hard to say. I’m driving with a new team, a new vehicle. The future goal is to win the championship. For the upcoming season, it’s about getting to know each other. That’s how a close bond develops, and we’ll be successful.

Who or what brought you into motorsport?

Pascal Wehrlein: I think that really was on me – what with my interest in motorsport. I can remember visiting the Hockenheimring and watching Formula 1 with my parents in 2000 or 2001. I was just 5 years old. From that day onwards, I wanted to be a race driver. It took me 3 years to convince my parents that I can drive a cart by myself. Motorsport is addictive. Since I sat a cart for the first time with 8, we travelled from racetrack to racetrack, together.

And now you’re a professional race driver. What role do your parents play to this day?

Pascal Wehrlein: Of course, now they play a different role. They still accompany me to several races, but not all of them. When you get older, you have to go out on your own. But of course, they’re still my greatest fans. We still talk a lot about the sport and my career.

Appointments, races and travels – when you do have some time to yourself, what do you like doing with it?

Pascal Wehrlein: If I have the time, then I like doing sport. I love Lake Constance; I grew up there. I have a small boat and enjoy watersports. Particularly wake boarding and water skiing. I spend a lot of time on the water in the summer months.

You live where others go for a holiday. When you are on a holiday, where do you like to go most?

Pascal Wehrlein: (laughing) Right! I love going to Mauritius. It’s my second home, because my mother is from there. So, most of the time, I’m visiting family. During winter, it’s really nice to escape the cold.

How important are fashion and style to you?

Pascal Wehrlein: Fashion is a very important to me of course. I’m still quite young and like discovering new things in this area. Fashion is definitely important for me and I keep track of the scene.

So, can we expect an unusual helmet design?

Pascal Wehrlein: (laughing) Yes – but it isn’t finished yet. And I haven’t made a final decision on how my helmet will look like in the upcoming season. The main colors will be white, red, black and gold though. To match the car. So, it’ll be a harmonious look.

If you could take your pick: In which city would you like to go shopping?

Pascal Wehrlein: (laughing) Phew. Though question! I think the answer would be New York. Or maybe in the Asian region: China, Japan. The fashion is really cool there too.

When you’re there: What accessory can you not go without?

Pascal Wehrlein: Definitely my phone. I can’t go anywhere without it. Many people are attached to their phone wherever they go. But for me it’s a little different: I get around a lot and I’m often alone, so I’m always glad to have the chance to always keep in contact with my friends and family.

Do you know your new team colleagues yet?

Pascal Wehrlein: I already met a few, but not all of them, sadly. When I had my seat fitting, I got to meet mechanics and engineers. But I’m excited to get to know everyone soon. Of course, I know André Lotterer from the racetrack, but we never met in private.

Is there a plan for when you’ll meet up?

Pascal Wehrlein: That’s a really good question. Most of the time, there’s a team event or a get together. I can’t wait to find out what the team is planning. But we definitely will meet up before the new season. I can’t wait.

If you think about the Porsche heritage and the successes, what are you expecting from your new team?

Pascal Wehrlein: I expect a very successful future for us all. Something new is beginning for me now and I’m happy to be a part of it. To race for Porsche – that’s every child’s dream. It will be a challenge and hard work. But I’m anticipating and not afraid of it. I’ll do everything to be successful with Porsche.

I hope to look back in 30, 40 years and be able to say: I’m a part of this successful history.

Pascal Wehrlein

That sounds like a dream came true.

Pascal Wehrlein: Yes – absolutely. The vehicles, the team, the legacy. It’s exceptional. I hope to look back in 30, 40 years and be able to say: I’m a part of this successful history.

DTM, Formula 1, Formula E or even SimRacing – you’ve experienced several race series: What’s in the future for motorsport?

Pascal Wehrlein: I believe the Formula E is a big part of the future in motorsport. It’s constantly growing, and more manufacturers are joining. Even when you scale the topic: e-mobility is a growing field. The technology is getting better and better. I’m thrilled to get to drive even faster race cars in 2 to 3 years. I love the Formula E. The cars and the city tracks. It’s really enjoyable.

The Taycan looks fantastic!

Pascal Wehrlein

New technologies and expanding e-mobility. Would the Porsche Taycan be something you’d enjoy then?

Pascal Wehrlein: Absolutely! The Taycan looks fantastic! A really beautiful vehicle. I didn’t get to drive it yet, sadly, but I hope to get the chance soon.

Last but not least: What do you want to tell the fans of the TAG Heuer Porsche Formula E Team?

Pascal Wehrlein: I’m really happy to be here and part of the Tag Heuer Porsche Formula E Team. Give me some time to get my bearing, then we’ll do everything to win races. We are working on getting the championship to Stuttgart. I can’t wait for the upcoming races and your support.
