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Fighting COVID-19 in their sleep

Porsche FE Dream Racers team up with DreamLab.

Over the past months, the devastating effect of Coronavirus on motorsport has been felt worldwide. But, while racing drivers and fans alike longed for the excitement of live racing, that didn’t mean they were powerless. Quite the opposite: the TAG Heuer Porsche Formula E team chose to fight against COVID-19 by supporting the Vodafone Foundation’s innovative DreamLab project.

DreamLab is simple, but quite brilliant: A free downloadable App that uses your smartphone’s unused processing power to process complex data while you sleep. The combined processing power of thousands of smartphones can effectively create a super-computer – and this is used to process scientific algorithms to help us understand and fight the virus.

Science fiction? It might sound like it, but this is the kind of innovation the TAG Heuer Porsche Formula E team loves! Our drivers - André Lotterer, Neel Jani and Simona de Silvestro - were only too happy to help drum up the numbers we needed. And so, Dream Racers were born. To reach as many fans as possible and remind them to power up the App before charging their phones overnight, the three drivers recorded special “bedtime stories” that were posted on the TAG Heuer Porsche FE Instagram Channel and the Vodafone Foundation social channels.

Each driver shared a uniquely personal tale: Neel described how, as a child, he almost gave up go-karting after a bad crash - until his 7-year old little sister jumped behind the wheel and burned up the track like a pro! Simona’s own tale was of a nervous 7-year old girl entering her first proper go-karting race. When the brooding storm clouds opened, her male competitors were alarmed, but it just spurred her to go faster, on to victory. André described his childhood ambition to earn the coveted Works Driver badge with his name on it. And how, when he finally achieved it, he won his first World Championship.

Thus, our Dream Racers were able to connect with our fans on a close, intimate level while uniting the entire TAG Heuer Porsche FE team in the fight against COVID-19. However, the race is not yet won; DreamLab is still very much in demand – and we encourage everyone to take part.

For more information and to download the DreamLab App, visit:
