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Achieving success with lots of fun: Max Fiolka.

Is it the immediately available torque that literally catapults the cars forward, the option to regenerate energy, or in the truest sense the high voltage in Formula E that is so exciting about the world's first all-electric racing series? Probably all of it. Especially if you know how to best combine all this.

As the Powertrain Engineer of the TAG Heuer Porsche Formula E Team, Max Fiolka knows this. He ensures that in the 99X Electric, the power of the high-voltage battery goes where it is needed – via power electronics, electric motor and gearbox – directly on the racetrack.

That it does just that in the best way possible has already been impressively proven by the powertrain of the 99X Electric: Not only with André Lotterer's first podium place in Diriyah, but especially with the pole position in Mexico. An outstanding team effort of which Max is particularly proud. Together with the TAG Heuer Porsche Team, this is also his first season in Formula E and there is yet much to learn. Though the development of the Porsche Formula E powertrain was based on experience gained in LMP1, the ambitious engineer and his talented colleagues still invested a lot of time in the development of the powertrain components. Numerous tests were carried out during the intensive development cycles in order to prepare the car and team for the first season in the extremely tough Formula E competition. Does this mean that he feels a certain pressure to perform? Nope. "Not pressure, but excitement. We have all the necessary conditions to be successful.”

But for Max, success is not only based on the next race and the next win. He wants to help establish the TAG Heuer Porsche Formula E Team as a long-term championship contender. No easy goal when you consider the competition in Formula E: In many championships there are 2 or 3 teams that can win a race – in Formula E there are over 10. Incredible highs, crushing lows, immediate successes. But always experienced together as a united sports team.

What are his personal goals? Well, they're also team-related. "Pushing for the team, staying dependable – and having as much fun as possible on our route to success!”
