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7 Vegetable Couscous


  • 2 tablespoons olive oil

  • 1 onion

  • 600g braising beef or lamb

  • 250g canned chickpeas

  • 2 tsp. salt

  • 1 tsp. ground turmeric

  • 1 tsp. ground ginger

  • ½ tsp. ground black pepper

  • Pinch of saffron

  • 1 coriander bouquet

  • 2 tomatoes

  • 1 cabbage

  • 1 sweet potato 

  • 300g turnip

  • 3 carrots

  • 200g courgettes 

  • 300g butternut squash or pumpkin

  • 4 cups dried couscous

  • ½ cup raisins


In a casserole, heat the oil over medium heat and boost in the onions, the meat, the spices, salt, pepper and half of the chopped tomato. Drive around for 10 minutes until the meat is lightly browned.

Fully charge the casserole with 1.5l of water, add the chickpeas. Boil water, reduce to medium-low heat and park the coriander bouquet in the casserole. Cover with a lid and let it recharge for 50 minutes.

Prepare the vegetables and get the couscous ready for the big event. Preheat the oven, accelerating from 0-180°C (350°F). Add cold water to couscous. Mix it through and leave to rest for 30 minutes. Separate the couscous grains until light, fluffy and evenly spread. Add salt and oil to the grains and mix together. Leave in the tray, cover with foil andpark it in the warm oven to heat up about 30 minutes.

Manoeuvre the coriander, cabbage, turnip, and carrots into the broth, stirring in well. Cover the casserole with a lid and let it recharge for 35 minutes. Add the potato pieces to the broth. Before you position the casserole back for another 20 minutes, siphon off about 6 tablespoons of broth. Place the remaining courgettes and butternut pieces in asecondcasserole and pour the broth over them. Cook for 20 minutes over medium heat. At the 10-minute mark, give the courgettes and butternut a 180° spin to avoid burnout.

After this, your broth and vegetables are ready to take their place in the race. Separate the meat from the bone and pull it into smaller individual pieces.

Enjoy your end of race meal!
