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What motorsport might look like in the future.

As it always has done, motorsport still fascinates people at the world’s race tracks today – and is firmly embedded in our DNA. But what might the whole thing look like 100 years from now? The Automobilist designers have attempted to answer precisely this question. On the moon, on Mars and in the futuristic mega-city of Le Mans. It’s time to dream.

Normally, Pavel Turek and Jan Rambousek from the Automobilist design studio use CGI and a great deal of research to realistically recreate historic motorsport moments. Now,they have produced an exclusive series of high-quality posters that not only preserve the motorsport successes of Porsche, but also outline future achievements. At first glance, this appears a little crazy, but actually looks pretty spectacular.

They show, for example, the 917 KH on its way to victory on the home straight at Le Mans in 1970. At the same time, they place the race car in a fictitious Le Mans in 2054 – by then, the French town has become a neon-coloured mega-city. While the 356 SL that competed at the Carrera Panamericana in Mexico in 1953 is on another planet: or to be more precise, it’s taking part in the twelfth Martian race on the Syrtis Major Plateau in 2096. And there is also the 911 RSR that was involved in the long-distance race in Daytona in 1973 and will in future perform its high-speed laps in the Giordano Bruno crater on the moon.

The design studio’s works undoubtedly encourage us to dream. What will motorsport be like in the distant future? What will be the experience of drivers, spectators and teams? Let's gaze into their crystal ball together:

The red winds: with the 356 SL on Mars

The outside temperature is minus 60 degrees Celsius. Red sand swirls around, covering windscreens with a fine layer. The twelfth Martian race is in full swing. In homage to the Carrera Panamericana, the public areas of the triangular Syrtis Major Plateau act as the race track. This leads through the Jezero crater until just before the mesas. The 356 SL extends its lead. But the weather is unpredictable.

Radio message: "We’re expecting a sandstorm from the south east. So be prepared for your field of vision to be significantly restricted."

Driver: "Roger. I’ll activate PASM."

Porsche AI: "Thanks for activating Porsche Active Sandstorm Management. As you’re in Race Mode, Auto-Pilot has been disabled. Instead, I’ll tell you how to proceed. This complies with the current regulations of the Martian race. Do you agree?"

A new perspective: the 911 RSR on the moon

The stands in the Porsche Experience Centre at the Giordano Bruno crater are gradually filling up; as always, all the tickets for the moon race are completely sold out. Former racing driver, Hurley Haymoon, won this event five times during his career. He has since retired and is now looking after a group of spectators as an expert in extraterrestrial racing.

"From here, we have a perfect view of the circuit. The nature of the crater has made it possible to design a layout that is a one-to-one replica of the one in Daytona. So we can see a four-kilometre oval with steeply banked corners, combined with a thrilling infield."

A small boy presses his nose against the 16-fold toughened safety glass and then turns to Haymoon with a wide-eyed gaze:

"What was your best racing moment?"

"Probably this: when you’re still fully focussed on the track after 16 hours at the wheel of the 911 RSR and the Earth suddenly rises up before your eyes."

Everything is relative: the 917 KH at the futuristic Le Mans

Anything can happen on the grid. And anything is possible. Fiction and reality merge when it comes to identifying the best ever racing team. 24 hours. Total concentration, above and beyond their limits. Le Mans is a digital metropolis with a population of millions, developed by programmers – the modern creators of worlds. The high-performance prototypes race through the city with over 500 horsepower. The drivers have to contend with the dazzling lines created by the colourful neon signs. 1,000 cars are participating.

A Porsche team boss briefs his young drivers:

"We’re currently planning 29 stints. You’ll return to the pits every 50 minutes, according to the simulation schedule. As true to the original as possible. Which is why there’s also a change of driver every four hours."

"Which car are we actually driving?"

"Because we collected enough coins during pre-races, the 917 KH has now been released. The software is currently loading the configuration from 1970. This means we’ll be using petrol, along with rubber tyres and manual transmission. Is everyone OK with that?"

"'Good drivers have dead flies on the side windows,' said Walter Röhrl back then."

"This is something that can definitely be programmed."

So let’s excitedly focus on the future and look forward to many thrilling races in unusual locations. By the way, if you like the Automobilist posters, limited numbers are available to purchase from the design studio’s website: https://bit.ly/AutomobilistStore-Porsche.
